I cleared the certification exam and received just the digital credential on email. When will I receive the hard copy?

I cleared the certification exam and received just the digital credential on email. When will I receive the hard copy?

Congratulations on successfully clearing your certification exam! We appreciate your dedication and hard work in achieving this significant milestone in your HR career.

At CHRMP, we have transitioned to a digital-first approach to deliver credentials to our certified professionals. As part of this commitment to sustainability and efficiency, we no longer provide hard copies of the certificate.

However, you can access and download your soft copy of the certificate. Simply open the email with the credential and scroll to the area that shows the following Sign in option along with the course name. Just above it, you get the option to download the pdf copy of the certificate.

Once downloaded, you have the flexibility to print your certificate at your convenience. You can choose to print it on high-quality paper or even frame it to display proudly in your workspace.

By embracing digital credentials, we are not only reducing our environmental impact but also ensuring that your certifications are easily accessible and shareable. Digital certificates offer the added advantage of being secure and verifiable, making them a valuable asset in today's digital age.

We commend your commitment to continuous professional development and wish you continued success in your HR journey. Your Advanced HRBP certification is a testament to your expertise and dedication to excellence in the field of human resource management. We are proud to have you as a part of the CHRMP community and look forward to supporting you in your future endeavors.