What are the number of questions in CHRMP certification exams?

What are the number of questions in CHRMP certification exams?

The number of questions in CHRMP certification exams varies based on the type of certification:

CHRMP Foundation Certification: The Foundation certification exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions to be answered within 90 minutes.

HRBP Advanced Certification: The Advanced certification exam also includes 60 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 90 minutes.

CHRMP HR Analytics Certification: Similar to the Foundation and Advanced exams, the Analytics certification exam contains 60 multiple-choice questions to be answered within 90 minutes.

Specialization Certifications: Specialization certifications like Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, etc., have a slightly shorter exam with 50 multiple-choice questions to be completed within sixty minutes time.

POSH Certification: POSH certification exam has 50 Multiple Choice Questions to be answered in 60 minutes.

GenAI: The Generative AI in HR certification exam has 40 Multiple Choice Questions to be answered in 45 minutes.

For any other certification not mentioned above, including specific details about the number of questions and the format of the exam, candidates can request information by writing to exam@chrmp.com. The CHRMP team will be happy to provide the necessary details and assist with any inquiries related to certification exams.

Please note that each correct answer carries one mark, and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers. To successfully pass the examination, candidates must score a minimum of 60%. Upon passing the exam, candidates receive a digital certificate and a digital badge, which is verified and secured with blockchain technology.