What happens if I am unable to clear the exam in the first attempt?

What happens if I am unable to clear the exam in the first attempt?

If, unfortunately, you are unable to clear the certification exam in your first attempt, don't worry. We understand that exam outcomes can vary, and we are here to support you in your certification journey. Here's what you need to know about retaking the exam:

  1. Included Attempt:

    • Your initial enrollment fee includes the examination fee for one attempt at the certification exam.
  2. Additional Attempts:

    • If you did not achieve the minimum passing score of 60% in your first attempt, you have the option to retake the exam by paying the examination fee.
    • For CHRMP Foundation and any specialization exam, the examination fee for each additional attempt is INR 1800.
  3. Exam Fee for HRBP Advanced and HR Analytics:

    • For HRBP Advanced and HR Analytics exams, the examination fee for each additional attempt is INR 2500 or US$ 35.
  4. Determination and Practice:

    • We encourage you to utilize the valuable feedback from your first attempt to determine areas for improvement and focus your preparation accordingly.
    • Engaging in additional study and practice can boost your confidence for the subsequent attempt.
  5. Fair and Transparent Process:

    • CHRMP ensures a fair and transparent examination process to assess your HR knowledge and skills objectively.
    • Each attempt provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your competency in HR management.
  6. Reach Out for Support:

    • If you have any questions or need support in your exam preparation, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.
    • We are here to guide and assist you in your journey towards achieving the CHRMP certification.

Remember, the CHRMP team is committed to helping you succeed, and we believe in your potential to excel in your HR career. Embrace the learning experience, and with dedication and preparation, you can confidently retake the exam and achieve your CHRMP certification. We wish you the best of luck, and we look forward to celebrating your success!