If you are confident and you wish to take the certification exam, please fill out the below form:
While filling out the form, please choose a date after three days from when you are filling the form.
After filing the form you will receive a confirmation email. Later, after one working day, at 12:30 PM IST, you will receive an email with the link to start the exam. The link will remain active on the date of your exam from 12:00 a.m. till 11:30 p.m. IST.

NB: You can reschedule your certification exam only once. And for that too, you must send in the request 2 days before the exam date.
You will receive an acknowledgment with the details that you have filled in the form. Check the details and reply if any correction is required.
You will then receive the exam link along with the instructions.

This link will remain active on the date of your exam from 12:00 a.m. IST till 11:30 p.m. IST (In above example, it will be active till 23rd December at 11:30 PM IST.
.Click the link, follow the instructions, and take the exam.
We will review your exam report. If everything is found okay (no unscrupulous means used and you have scored the passing marks), we will share your digital credentials within ten days from the date you took the exam.